Some reactions to the invitation to cooperate in helping souls to find a channel out of the earth’s vibration:
… Wow! What an interesting email to receive. I am truly
curious about your method.
… You people need help.
… I have had my fill of sideshows; this tops them all.
… Where did you get your information/data from? Out (of)
your ass? You're what gives the paranormal a bad image. Remove me from your
mailing list, nut case.
… Our team is a research group which records and
documents any paranormal activity, we abide by a strict confidentiality
agreement with our clients, so it would be unethical to participate in your
"challenge." Good luck!
… I do not believe this is pliable or even believable.
… This is not an us-against-them reality, we provide a free
and honest service to our clients and would have no need for your services what
so ever.
… If we should come in contact with a spirit our first thought
is not to drive them away. We do not believe in profiting from our God given
abilities... I believe your process works but it has the potential of becoming
more damaging than good. Please think about it, before you deprive a poor
innocent soul (of) the Devine help.
… According to the Holy Bible the only way to defeat Evil is
using Jesus Christ. So you are aware, "Ghosts, Lost Souls, Familiar
Spirits, etc..." DO NOT EXIST (Hebrews 9:27, Luke 24: 37)… So,
if these are not "Ghosts" then what are these we are encountering? DEMONS. There
are NO spirit guides, or such. Read James 2:19. Signed: Reverend
… Are you unaware of one of the most basic laws of science:
that energy cannot be created or destroyed? Your whole "business" is
scientifically impossible. You cannot "relieve" the planet of
Aside from the insults, these are interesting and passionate
comments. We want to make clear that we are not offering any “service”
whatsoever. We are proposing to you a novel, non-local way to participate in
bettering the energy of the planet. At the same time, we can help our fellow
beings (the souls) in temporary distress. Think to the millions who died in
battlefields or because of violence or accidents are still “with us” after
centuries; isn’t that “suffering”?
Our aim is also to further man’s spiritual knowledge.
Evidently many people don’t understand the difference between spirits and
souls: souls lived (or live) inside a body, while spirits never did and never
will; they simply belong to the earth’s vibration.
The stuff called “energy” that makes up the whole universe has
precise laws. A soul that lingers on the earth plane after leaving the body
violates one of its most important ones: “energy must flow”. A soul cannot evolve
without a body; so he must be “helped” to move to higher vibrations.
In reality, who is the one doing the removal from the earth’s
vibration? A higher being; an entity called by some of us an “Angel.” Human
beings don’t have this kind of power, so why should we worry about the “poor”
soul, if only an “Angel” can do the transfer?
The fact is that many confuse human emotions (“poor guy”…)
with spiritual laws. It goes without saying that any soul who lived (while in a
body) according to spiritual laws doesn’t have any problem going – naturally –
towards the light.
In the proposal we are referring to the “liberation” of
those souls who have been trapped in the lower vibration because of an
excessive attachment to earthly matters (read, excessive materialism or
possessive emotions).
Yes, we are aware that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
But there is no prohibition on transforming a bad energy (say, hatred or fear)
into a more “noble one”, like forgiveness or love.
Lastly, we are glad to announce to the Reverend Exorcist that
Spirit Guides (more appropriately called “Angel Guides”, because that is their
real nature) do really exist. This very moment they are smiling and patiently
waiting that non-believers will start to perceive their important, God-assigned
Those that already have accepted our simple proposal
are already being singly contacted.