Friday, September 5, 2014

Rinaldo Lampis: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in...

Rinaldo Lampis: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in...: RE: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto, Sicily. To: All Participants who supported the month-long Experiment: A...

Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto, Sicily.

RE: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto, Sicily.

To: All Participants who supported the month-long Experiment: August 2° to September 2° 2014
In Canneto, Sicily.

The dangerous happenings (since 2004) of spontaneous combustion and weird electromagnetic events -even ineffectively investigated by some National Agencies- have been successfully stopped (temporarily?) during the period of the experiment: August 2° to September 2° 2014.  

We thank all the numerous participants for having given us a (mental) hand  in demonstrating that NON-LOCAL, MORPHIC-FIELD modifications is effective in dealing with these phenomena.
We demonstrated that Paranormal Phenomena belong to the field of Physics and that they can be handled with the appropriate tools.
Till the next one, cheerfully,
Rinaldo Lampis

For the technical details see, on
R. Lampis, ENERGY VISION, The Conscious Use of Energy;
R. Lampis, Pleasant Voyage Discovering the Invisible World.