Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rinaldo Lampis: Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls fro...

Rinaldo Lampis: Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls fro...: Join on October 26  the Project to remove souls from the cemeteries of Arlington (VA) and Brookwood, England. Help lighten up our Planeta...

Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls from the cemeteries of Arlington (VA) and Brookwood, England.

Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls from the cemeteries of Arlington (VA) and Brookwood, England.
Help lighten up our Planetary Energy. Participate (non-locally) on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 10.00 am, in the comfort of your home or outdoors.

By participating, even for only a few minutes, you will:
a)  Send many souls, still trapped in the earth vibration, to the Light,
b)  Cause the energy of the Planet to get lighter.

Let’s remember that:
1)  Is often difficult for many souls to abandon the earth vibration once they leave the physical body. Even more so when the departure has been abrupt (like in the case of accidents).
2)  A soul cannot keep on evolving while separated from a physical body.
3)  A soul uses still the Planet’s (our) energies while immersed in our vibration.

These are extremely valid reasons to participate in this Project. Simply, if you choose to participate, your contribution will be of an aware, non-local type. That means that all you have to do is to be AWARE of the Project and its intention.
The INTENTION is to remove/send-to-the-Light souls still present in the Cemeteries of Arlington, Virginia, USA (total interments 400,000) and Brookwood, Surrey, England (total interments 235,000). Both cemeteries have a significant number of graves of soldiers fallen while on duty. Think that time has come to thank them for their contributions.

Energetically, the definite removal will take place through the modification of the existing Morphic Fields (if we want to use some technical terms) handled by us of Spirit Action.
So, remember the DATE: October 26, approx. 10.00 am. And the LOCATION: Arlington, Virginia and Brookwook, England.
Remember, non-locality is a feature of Reality. So you can “connect” in the comfort of your home or outdoors (or, if you wish, attend in the actual location). On that day you can perform some simple, brief prayer or have some good thoughts. We should recall that sincerity (and awareness of the event) attracts more energy than method and ceremony. Remember, spirituality is simplicity.
Given the number of souls, the event will carry on for over a week. During that period we suggest you dedicate, once in a while, some fleeting, relaxed thoughts to the ongoing event.

Anyway, our intention is NOT to empty the ocean (new-soul entrapment will continue to happen for a while yet). We just want to remove some stagnant water that also deserves to flow. (In the future, we intend to work on soul removal from the cities of London and New York - we already worked on Florence and Rome, Italy).

Thanks to all for your advanced perceptions,
The Spirit Action team

For technical details see, on Amazon.com / Amazon.uk:
R. Lampis, ENERGY VISION, The Conscious Use of Energy;
R. Lampis, Pleasant Voyage Discovering the Invisible World.