Friday, January 31, 2014

The non-local  method: the simplest process
to permanently  transfer souls (ghosts) to a higher vibration.
By Rinaldo Lampis 
Hi everyone.
We know of your awareness that souls, besides being helped to find their legitimate peace, are not necessarily beneficial to a territory.
Let’s  consider this:
  • Every soul (commonly called “ghost”) present in our territory uses energies belonging, instead, to us living beings,
  • Souls very often interfere in man’s daily affairs, raising the level of difficulty in just about every human activity,
  • On a yearly base, the net acquisition of new souls in any territory is on the increase. For the United States, for example, the natural, yearly transferral of souls to higher vibrations is 3.5 per hundred. That means that, for every 100 souls that leave the body in the US, after a year medially 96.5  are still on the earth vibration.
Why more of them don’t go toward the light? Simply because they don’t know how (this is the price to pay for living in materialistic societies). Other nations are even worse off (Italy, for instance, has a transferral rate of 2.5 per hundred).

The net result is that (to sensitive eyes) many western nations resemble immense “cemeteries” crowded with a soul-to-human population of roughly ten to one.
Energetically, the situation is becoming no longer sustainable. It is likely that the present turmoil on the planet is caused, at least partially, by these conditions.
So, it is commendable that there are ghost groups and prayer groups attempting to relieve the situation, but there must be also other immediate approaches, if we want to sizably relieve the planet of this unwanted energy.

The non-local method. To help us to immediately alleviate the pressure, we are proposing the use of energy laws, an approach more fitting to the size of the problem. The method is based on non-locality (that is, founded on the subtle physics’ concept that space doesn’t exist, the only reality being the “here and now.”) 
At Spirit Action ( we have been using this approach for several years (specifically in Canada, Switzerland, Rome and other Italian cities) with outstanding permanent-removal results. We ask your cooperation in evaluating yourself the goodness of the method.
To participate you simply have to:
  1. Locate the presence of one or more “ghosts” through any means you are familiar with; emf spikes, static charges, cold spots, apparitions, moon influences, personal sensations, etc.
  2. Once you have detected this presence, communicate to us the exact, physical address where the event usually takes place.
Upon receiving your address information, within 72 hours we will communicate to you the exact local time when the permanent removal will take place. After that time any of your tested parameters, when retried, will furnish normal values, meaning that there are no more unseen presences.
Please remember that it is you who has to be satisfied of the permanent transferral of this presence(s); any further control from your part is, therefore, very welcome.
We hope that we aroused your social and scientific interests enough to take part in this simple “challenge.” With your important contribution, the Reality in which we all live will be a better place to be for souls with and without a body alike.
Please contact us for detail at
Rinaldo Lampis and Team
PS if you like to know more about our activities seehere

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