Monday, April 7, 2014

How to influence the subtle energies of your life.

How to influence the subtle energies of your life
By Rinaldo Lampis, P. Eng.

Useful to optimize the results of human actions in:
a)    Private and business encounters,
b)    Presentations and exams,
c)     Creative and intellectual activities, trips,
d)     Hospitalizations and recoveries.

Basic Explanation
In physics, the principle of non-locality attributes to events the quality of being energetically connected to influences even far away from the “location” where the happenings are taking place.
This practical application allows a person to hookup energetically to even distant events in order to “influence” them. This is done through the use of proprietary, subtle-physics interventions (algorithms).
In principle, the connection is possible:
1.       From any point in the planet,
2.       For a period of a few hours,
3.       If there is the direct collaboration of the person requesting the intervention. The individual’s action simply consists in supplying a “benign certitude” toward its desired outcome.

In a typical application, in order to give a unique energy imprinting, the person asking for the service supplies the following information:
·         First and Last Name (example, John Smith),
·         Nature of the service (example, meeting, exam, personal encounter, hospitalization, trip),
·         Complete address of the location were the intervention is requested (example, Apt 305, 3699 Belair Ave, Nelson, BC, Canada – no cap needed, no PO box allowed),
·         Date and local time in which the event  will take place (example, July the 4th 2014, from 9.15 am to 11.30 am – max 4 hours).
·         Additional information (example, outdoor meeting, approximate number of participants). This last information is for the client’s benefit. The clearer the mental image of the participant is, the more focused the “thought-form” created will be, the more defined the outcome will form itself.

How it Works
The approach functions by working concurrently on both:
1.       A “technical” path, supplied by Spirit Action, based on the functioning of non-local thought formation. This path supports the client’s action intervening in the overall “subtle energy” make-up of the action being taken.
2.       A “psychological” path, inherent to the human psyche. It addresses automatically the person’s archetypical desire of being supported in his/her daily activities by a greater authoritative opinion (the literal meaning of de-sire is to “hope upon a star”).

Practical Results
For quite a time, the Spirit Action / Remote Resonance team has been able to successfully address and interact with the evasive forces present in man’s subtle reality. Years of applications in Europe and Canada show the proven, overall effectiveness of it.

The Method’s Future
We could define this method as the first application addressing man’s subtle psychology. Since it optimizes the outcome of any event, it is applicable to all forms of human endeavors. Once a foothold is gained in the “invisible energy” door, certainly new social, personal approaches are likely to emerge.

+ For a better understanding of the method outlined above, see the paper “Quantum Mechanics, Non-locality and the Structure of the Invisible Worldhere.
+ For a better understanding of “Complete Reality” see the Amazon book by R. Lampis here.  
For further explanations on the application, contact

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