Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rinaldo Lampis: Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls fro...

Rinaldo Lampis: Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls fro...: Join on October 26  the Project to remove souls from the cemeteries of Arlington (VA) and Brookwood, England. Help lighten up our Planeta...

Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls from the cemeteries of Arlington (VA) and Brookwood, England.

Join on October 26 the Project to remove souls from the cemeteries of Arlington (VA) and Brookwood, England.
Help lighten up our Planetary Energy. Participate (non-locally) on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 10.00 am, in the comfort of your home or outdoors.

By participating, even for only a few minutes, you will:
a)  Send many souls, still trapped in the earth vibration, to the Light,
b)  Cause the energy of the Planet to get lighter.

Let’s remember that:
1)  Is often difficult for many souls to abandon the earth vibration once they leave the physical body. Even more so when the departure has been abrupt (like in the case of accidents).
2)  A soul cannot keep on evolving while separated from a physical body.
3)  A soul uses still the Planet’s (our) energies while immersed in our vibration.

These are extremely valid reasons to participate in this Project. Simply, if you choose to participate, your contribution will be of an aware, non-local type. That means that all you have to do is to be AWARE of the Project and its intention.
The INTENTION is to remove/send-to-the-Light souls still present in the Cemeteries of Arlington, Virginia, USA (total interments 400,000) and Brookwood, Surrey, England (total interments 235,000). Both cemeteries have a significant number of graves of soldiers fallen while on duty. Think that time has come to thank them for their contributions.

Energetically, the definite removal will take place through the modification of the existing Morphic Fields (if we want to use some technical terms) handled by us of Spirit Action.
So, remember the DATE: October 26, approx. 10.00 am. And the LOCATION: Arlington, Virginia and Brookwook, England.
Remember, non-locality is a feature of Reality. So you can “connect” in the comfort of your home or outdoors (or, if you wish, attend in the actual location). On that day you can perform some simple, brief prayer or have some good thoughts. We should recall that sincerity (and awareness of the event) attracts more energy than method and ceremony. Remember, spirituality is simplicity.
Given the number of souls, the event will carry on for over a week. During that period we suggest you dedicate, once in a while, some fleeting, relaxed thoughts to the ongoing event.

Anyway, our intention is NOT to empty the ocean (new-soul entrapment will continue to happen for a while yet). We just want to remove some stagnant water that also deserves to flow. (In the future, we intend to work on soul removal from the cities of London and New York - we already worked on Florence and Rome, Italy).

Thanks to all for your advanced perceptions,
The Spirit Action team

For technical details see, on Amazon.com / Amazon.uk:
R. Lampis, ENERGY VISION, The Conscious Use of Energy;
R. Lampis, Pleasant Voyage Discovering the Invisible World.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Rinaldo Lampis: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in...

Rinaldo Lampis: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in...: RE: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto, Sicily. To: All Participants who supported the month-long Experiment: A...

Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto, Sicily.

RE: Successful Blocking of all Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto, Sicily.

To: All Participants who supported the month-long Experiment: August 2° to September 2° 2014
In Canneto, Sicily.

The dangerous happenings (since 2004) of spontaneous combustion and weird electromagnetic events -even ineffectively investigated by some National Agencies- have been successfully stopped (temporarily?) during the period of the experiment: August 2° to September 2° 2014.  

We thank all the numerous participants for having given us a (mental) hand  in demonstrating that NON-LOCAL, MORPHIC-FIELD modifications is effective in dealing with these phenomena.
We demonstrated that Paranormal Phenomena belong to the field of Physics and that they can be handled with the appropriate tools.
Till the next one, cheerfully,
Rinaldo Lampis


For the technical details see, on Amazon.com:
R. Lampis, ENERGY VISION, The Conscious Use of Energy;
R. Lampis, Pleasant Voyage Discovering the Invisible World.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Thought Experiment Aug 2 - Sept 2 2014 on Blocking Paranormal Phenomena.

From Leonard:

Hi Leonard,
we can start from the end... There are in the area (Canneto, Sicily) since 2004 events in which electrical wiring, couches, water pipes etc. burn spontaneously. Even national government agencies, Nasa etc. have investigated it, without arriving to any logical explanation for the events.
The data is plenty in internet (and can be easily translated online).

What we are saying is that there are certain subtle (damaging, sentient) forces at work here. 
We are claiming to have a subtle-energy method that can stop the phenomena. To prove that, we are in the mist of an experiment that will prove we can stop the events for the period 2 Aug - 2 Sept 2014. This way we can demonstrate we can interact with the invisible world, and show that there are physical laws governing it.
After all, more than any theory, the final results are those that count, don't they? 
Yes, Truth, Simplicity and Love are definitely the Way. 
R. Lampis

From Jillian:
Can you send me info on the cost and what i need to get from you.

From Jeadene:
Would love to entertain this, but not quite sure what needs to be done?
Can you explain this out in easier terms?

this is a non-local, thought experiment; meaning that it can be done from anywhere in the Planet. Often or intermittently.
Whenever you happen to think of it (every few days or several times a day) all you need is to think of it sending "good vibes" for its stated outcome (no paranormal events can happen in this period). For example:
"Whow, this is the strangest experiment I ever heard of; 
but I am sure they will succeed!" 
"Yes, I understand. The sum total of the participants' thoughts will set the positive outcome. This is great. I am joining it!"
(note that you are joining by simply deciding in your mind to do it).

To understand better its subtle-energy principles, perhaps you should consider purchasing the books mentioned in the invitation.
R. Lampis

From Richard:
Hmmm.  Thanks for writing.  What is the null or control condition in this case?  
Regards,  -- R

Control condition?
That there are no paranormal events in that one-month period.
R. Lampis

Hi Rinaldo 
Good luck with your experiment.
What you may wish to consider is that not all activity comes under the headings of Electromagnetic, Cosmic and Sentient. By issuing an intent of ' happenings not to be allowed to occur ' does not take into consideration that there is a greater journey paradigm consisting of the ' perception of our reality ' which enables us to see ' that what we perceive...is not part of what is '. 

There is a greater force that we live with. This force is the journey that we have agreed to live through and be part of. Each experience acts as a conductor for something else to surface as each emotion acts as a conductor to take us forward.
If your experiment does not bring forth the results you hope for, try and see that there is a greater reason for this which our human logic will not be able to give the answer to. Instead some of the reasons lies within the metaphysical and energetic encryptions that will become known in the time frame that has been written for us to know.
Take care
Spiritual Mentor and Metaphysical Advisor

I generally agree with your analysis; but I also see something missing in your reality. This (greater) part has to do with the sentient forces of the invisible world, which were not mentioned in the invitation. 
This way, issues remain simpler. 
I say, let's arrive to the end of the "Experiment" before we expand on this. 
Here we are working on subtle-energy Physics, well beyond theories or (even my) personal opinions.
Let's keep in touch,

Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Block the Paranormal Phenomena in Canneto (ME), Italy

PARTICIPATE to this important Mental Experiment
All you have to do for the length of the month-long Experiment - August 2° to September 2° 2014 - is to simply think positively about its outcome (that is, that no paranormal phenomena will occur in this period). 
The Universe will be grateful for this! 

How to Block Spontaneous Combustion and other Paranormal Phenomena 
Happening since 2004 in Canneto/Caronia (ME), Italy 

To the Mayor of Caronia Rino Beringheli

I'm Rinaldo Lampis, Electrical engineer with  Lampis Research.
We read of the phenomena of spontaneous combustion in Canneto / Caronia, Sicily.
As researchers actively working on invisible energy, we can state that the many events reported have,
as contributing factors, both electromagnetic (terrestrial) and cosmic (extraterrestrial) causes.

The resolution of these anomalies is possible by modifying the morphic fields existing in the area,
through the principle of non-locality.
To prove the validity of our approach, in the period August 2° - September 2° 2014 will be established in the town of Caronia (which includes the village of Canneto) a "no-interference area", where the above-mentioned phenomena (including the car electrical malfunctions) will NOT be allowed to occur.

We invite the readers of this notice to inform the inhabitants of Canneto, whose belongings and houses have suffered from the phenomena, of this free demonstration.
R. Lampis

For the technical details see, on Amazon.com:
R. Lampis, ENERGY VISION, The Conscious Use of Energy;
R. Lampis, Pleasant Voyage Discovering the Invisible World.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

 The Most Advanced Book to Help Humans to Evolve

ENERGY VISION, The Conscious Use of Energy. 
A Practical Guide to the Use of Our Energies and Those of the Planet.With over 30 Simple, Intuitive Techniques.By Rinaldo Lampis
Find it at Amazon

It describes what they are and how they interact with us. 
The Stuff called Energy constitutes all visible things, as well as Earth's invisible energies influencing our body. It deals with our thought-energies responsible for creating our Reality. 
It points out that there is a single root, a sole source from which everything emanates and materializes. It shows that there is unity in what our senses and mind perceives as different and separate. 

However, ENERGY VISION is not a treatise but a practical handbook, containing many simple techniques on the use of our internal and external energy. This book helps the reader to see, understand and let go of mental and physical blocks that limit our potential. 

A Book on how to ride and survive the incoming Vibrational Jump; a practical Guide to our own Energies and to those of the Planet.
What is the essence of a stone, a flower, the wind, our body, our feelings of joy or sadness, and the stars? It is Energy! 
The Universe is only Energy, a force permeating and animating all life and all existing things, from our thoughts to the galaxies. 

ENERGY VISION deals with the energies of man and nature and their relationships. It reveals the single root, the one source from which everything emanates, pointing that there is unity in what our senses and mind perceive as different and separate. 
In addition to helping in any relationship, living with the Vision of Energy will help us to finally think, act, and live our lives according to Natural Laws, as well as helping us to accelerate the change from an old to a modern mind, aware and powerful. 

In this evolution lies the specialness of the years we are living, a time in which man will recognize with clarity that he is the Creator of the waves in the ocean of his life… 
Bon Voyage. 

Writer and electrical engineer, counselor, shaman and trainer, Rinaldo Lampis is a Canadian whose aim is to spread out to the Planet the benefit of seeing Life as intelligent, flowing Energy in motion and of communicating with the Subtle World. 
See www.spiritaction.net

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Disorders related to the female generative sphere.

There is an increase in the world of disorders related to the female generative sphere. 
Anomalies such as the absence of menstruation or other reproductive problems are often linked NOT to a particular physical problem, but to "subtle" energetic interferences. 

For people interested in the subject, Spirit Action (www.spiritaction.net) holds meetings on the causes (and possible removal) of these interferences. 

The approach relies on non-invasive, non-Locality principles. to better understand the modality of removal contact info@spiritaction.net.

Monday, April 7, 2014

How to influence the subtle energies of your life.

How to influence the subtle energies of your life
By Rinaldo Lampis, P. Eng.

Useful to optimize the results of human actions in:
a)    Private and business encounters,
b)    Presentations and exams,
c)     Creative and intellectual activities, trips,
d)     Hospitalizations and recoveries.

Basic Explanation
In physics, the principle of non-locality attributes to events the quality of being energetically connected to influences even far away from the “location” where the happenings are taking place.
This practical application allows a person to hookup energetically to even distant events in order to “influence” them. This is done through the use of proprietary, subtle-physics interventions (algorithms).
In principle, the connection is possible:
1.       From any point in the planet,
2.       For a period of a few hours,
3.       If there is the direct collaboration of the person requesting the intervention. The individual’s action simply consists in supplying a “benign certitude” toward its desired outcome.

In a typical application, in order to give a unique energy imprinting, the person asking for the service supplies the following information:
·         First and Last Name (example, John Smith),
·         Nature of the service (example, meeting, exam, personal encounter, hospitalization, trip),
·         Complete address of the location were the intervention is requested (example, Apt 305, 3699 Belair Ave, Nelson, BC, Canada – no cap needed, no PO box allowed),
·         Date and local time in which the event  will take place (example, July the 4th 2014, from 9.15 am to 11.30 am – max 4 hours).
·         Additional information (example, outdoor meeting, approximate number of participants). This last information is for the client’s benefit. The clearer the mental image of the participant is, the more focused the “thought-form” created will be, the more defined the outcome will form itself.

How it Works
The approach functions by working concurrently on both:
1.       A “technical” path, supplied by Spirit Action, based on the functioning of non-local thought formation. This path supports the client’s action intervening in the overall “subtle energy” make-up of the action being taken.
2.       A “psychological” path, inherent to the human psyche. It addresses automatically the person’s archetypical desire of being supported in his/her daily activities by a greater authoritative opinion (the literal meaning of de-sire is to “hope upon a star”).

Practical Results
For quite a time, the Spirit Action / Remote Resonance team has been able to successfully address and interact with the evasive forces present in man’s subtle reality. Years of applications in Europe and Canada show the proven, overall effectiveness of it.

The Method’s Future
We could define this method as the first application addressing man’s subtle psychology. Since it optimizes the outcome of any event, it is applicable to all forms of human endeavors. Once a foothold is gained in the “invisible energy” door, certainly new social, personal approaches are likely to emerge.

+ For a better understanding of the method outlined above, see the paper “Quantum Mechanics, Non-locality and the Structure of the Invisible Worldhere.
+ For a better understanding of “Complete Reality” see the Amazon book by R. Lampis here.  
For further explanations on the application, contact rilampis@gmail.com.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Malaysian jetliner. The reasons why planes and ships (and people) sometimes disappear without trace.

 Do you ever think about aliens? Their existance is allowed in your "rational" mind? For those who delve a bit under the surface of events, sometimes things are not as clear-cut as they seem.

To explain the recent disappearance of a Malaysian jetliner, definitely we have to take into account the invisible forces that continuously try to manipulate our lives and our reality.
In this specific case, hostile actions initiated by humans on board of the plane have been amplified by evil sentient forces (aliens) to the point of taking over the transport.
It is a known fact to researchers that aliens are capable of de-materializing objects with all their contents, with the aim of studying the human species.

It is hoped that the souls at present prisoners of these forces will be liberated.
If there is a positive outcome to be seen in these events is that the MYTH that many humans hold about the "good nature" of aliens will be put to rest.
Reality is consistently showing that these entities are all evil in nature. This frame of mind is the best defense humans have against the arrogance of these forces.

You can read more on this topic in http://www.spiritaction.net or read the book on the INVISIBLE WORLD here.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Some reactions to the invitation to cooperate in helping  souls to find a channel out of the earth’s vibration:  

Wow! What an interesting email to receive. I am truly curious about your method.
You people need help.
I have had my fill of sideshows; this tops them all.
Where did you get your information/data from? Out (of) your ass? You're what gives the paranormal a bad image. Remove me from your mailing list, nut case.
Our team is a research group which records and documents any paranormal activity, we abide by a strict confidentiality agreement with our clients, so it would be unethical to participate in your "challenge." Good luck!
I do not believe this is pliable or even believable.
This is not an us-against-them reality, we provide a free and honest service to our clients and would have no need for your services what so ever.
If we should come in contact with a spirit our first thought is not to drive them away. We do not believe in profiting from our God given abilities... I believe your process works but it has the potential of becoming more damaging than good. Please think about it, before you deprive a poor innocent soul (of) the Devine help. 
According to the Holy Bible the only way to defeat Evil is using Jesus Christ.  So you are aware, "Ghosts, Lost Souls, Familiar Spirits, etc..." DO NOT EXIST (Hebrews 9:27, Luke 24: 37)… So, if these are not "Ghosts" then what are these we are encountering? DEMONS. There are NO spirit guides, or such.  Read James 2:19. Signed: Reverend Exorcist. 
Are you unaware of one of the most basic laws of science: that energy cannot be created or destroyed? Your whole "business" is scientifically impossible. You cannot "relieve" the planet of energy. 

Aside from the insults, these are interesting and passionate comments. We want to make clear that we are not offering any “service” whatsoever. We are proposing to you a novel, non-local way to participate in bettering the energy of the planet. At the same time, we can help our fellow beings (the souls) in temporary distress. Think to the millions who died in battlefields or because of violence or accidents are still “with us” after centuries; isn’t that “suffering”?
Our aim is also to further man’s spiritual knowledge. Evidently many people don’t understand the difference between spirits and souls: souls lived (or live) inside a body, while spirits never did and never will; they simply belong to the earth’s vibration.

The stuff called “energy” that makes up the whole universe has precise laws. A soul that lingers on the earth plane after leaving the body violates one of its most important ones: “energy must flow”. A soul cannot evolve without a body; so he must be “helped” to move to higher vibrations.
In reality, who is the one doing the removal from the earth’s vibration? A higher being; an entity called by some of us an “Angel.” Human beings don’t have this kind of power, so why should we worry about the “poor” soul, if only an “Angel” can do the transfer?
The fact is that many confuse human emotions (“poor guy”…) with spiritual laws. It goes without saying that any soul who lived (while in a body) according to spiritual laws doesn’t have any problem going – naturally – towards the light.
In the proposal we are referring to the “liberation” of those souls who have been trapped in the lower vibration because of an excessive attachment to earthly matters (read, excessive materialism or possessive emotions).

Yes, we are aware that energy cannot be created or destroyed. But there is no prohibition on transforming a bad energy (say, hatred or fear) into a more “noble one”, like forgiveness or love.
Lastly, we are glad to announce to the Reverend Exorcist that Spirit Guides (more appropriately called “Angel Guides”, because that is their real nature) do really exist. This very moment they are smiling and patiently waiting that non-believers will start to perceive their important, God-assigned role.
Those that already have accepted our simple proposal are already being singly contacted. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mike asked a question on the Invisible World:
We are energy. All energy is connected as one. So how can we truly have free will if everything affects everything else, it would be chaos. How do I make sense of this? 
It is true that all energy is connected as one but, having different degrees of awareness, has the potential ability of separating itself from the rest. For instance, as human, when somebody steps on our foot, our free will has the absolute choice of getting mad or of keeping on smiling.
In other words, the energy that is my (conscious) mind always decides how much to blend with the rest of creation. That is freewill. If you think of it, freewill is the only true, own possession that we have. The rest, from our children, to bank accounts, to BMWs, to physical life itself is on a temporary loan by the creative powers.  

Friday, January 31, 2014

The non-local  method: the simplest process
to permanently  transfer souls (ghosts) to a higher vibration.
By Rinaldo Lampis 
Hi everyone.
We know of your awareness that souls, besides being helped to find their legitimate peace, are not necessarily beneficial to a territory.
Let’s  consider this:
  • Every soul (commonly called “ghost”) present in our territory uses energies belonging, instead, to us living beings,
  • Souls very often interfere in man’s daily affairs, raising the level of difficulty in just about every human activity,
  • On a yearly base, the net acquisition of new souls in any territory is on the increase. For the United States, for example, the natural, yearly transferral of souls to higher vibrations is 3.5 per hundred. That means that, for every 100 souls that leave the body in the US, after a year medially 96.5  are still on the earth vibration.
Why more of them don’t go toward the light? Simply because they don’t know how (this is the price to pay for living in materialistic societies). Other nations are even worse off (Italy, for instance, has a transferral rate of 2.5 per hundred).

The net result is that (to sensitive eyes) many western nations resemble immense “cemeteries” crowded with a soul-to-human population of roughly ten to one.
Energetically, the situation is becoming no longer sustainable. It is likely that the present turmoil on the planet is caused, at least partially, by these conditions.
So, it is commendable that there are ghost groups and prayer groups attempting to relieve the situation, but there must be also other immediate approaches, if we want to sizably relieve the planet of this unwanted energy.

The non-local method. To help us to immediately alleviate the pressure, we are proposing the use of energy laws, an approach more fitting to the size of the problem. The method is based on non-locality (that is, founded on the subtle physics’ concept that space doesn’t exist, the only reality being the “here and now.”) 
At Spirit Action (www.spiritaction.net) we have been using this approach for several years (specifically in Canada, Switzerland, Rome and other Italian cities) with outstanding permanent-removal results. We ask your cooperation in evaluating yourself the goodness of the method.
To participate you simply have to:
  1. Locate the presence of one or more “ghosts” through any means you are familiar with; emf spikes, static charges, cold spots, apparitions, moon influences, personal sensations, etc.
  2. Once you have detected this presence, communicate to us the exact, physical address where the event usually takes place.
Upon receiving your address information, within 72 hours we will communicate to you the exact local time when the permanent removal will take place. After that time any of your tested parameters, when retried, will furnish normal values, meaning that there are no more unseen presences.
Please remember that it is you who has to be satisfied of the permanent transferral of this presence(s); any further control from your part is, therefore, very welcome.
We hope that we aroused your social and scientific interests enough to take part in this simple “challenge.” With your important contribution, the Reality in which we all live will be a better place to be for souls with and without a body alike.
Please contact us for detail at info@spiritaction.net
Rinaldo Lampis and Team
PS if you like to know more about our activities seehere

Monday, January 27, 2014

Interesting that Larry Page of Google founded Calico, a company dedicated to lengthen life. We hope he understands that life's secret is not in our cells, but in the acceptance of the invisible energy laws.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Is it appropriate that the Angel of Communication -the same who inspired the writing of "A Course in Miracles"- be used to publicize our new book “Pleasant Voyage Discovering the Invisible World”?  
Not if someone has the exclusivity of its name. Yes if our aim is to mention the real originator of both works.
We mention this because we had some (polite) objections to our "daring" connection.

A while back we had the same opposition to our wanting to communicate to Ramtha (the soul). In that case the objection was that the name was "copyrighted". But how can we copyright a being? It's like stating that President Obama or the Dalai Lama could not be mentioned in writing.
Besides the Angel itself, when asked, gave its permission, recognizing it as its work.

The real issue is whether we believe that these invisible beings exist or not and that this new method (see www.spiritaction.net) allows us to really, directly, interact with them. 
Some think it is just some wishful thinking from our side. That is fine, since only history will be the final judge. For many, instead, the method is just a matter of re-establishing a long-lost vibrational connection to the eternal source.

Rinaldo Lampis: Ghosts are simply souls who cannot make by themsel...

Rinaldo Lampis: Ghosts are simply souls who cannot make by themsel...: Ghosts are simply souls who cannot make by themselves the transition from earth’s vibration to higher vibrations. They are generally harml...